The Department is now inviting views from all interested parties on the issue of school autonomy. A Consultation Paper, has been prepared, which is designed to facilitate a deep discussion on why, how …More
The Department of Education is currently developing a Religions, Beliefs and Ethics Programme which will become part of the primary school curriculum in the future and has invited parents and teachers to take part in the consultation. …More
The National Crime Prevention Unit, Garda Headquarters has contacted the Department of Education and Skills, wishing to remind school Principals and Boards of Management to be security conscious about retaining cash amounts in schools. …More
The MPEB was invited to attend the Oireachtas hearing on Equal Status (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016 on Tuesday, 7th February 2017. …More
Department of Education and Skills has issued a Circular 0009/2017 which sets out standard breaks at Christmas, Easter and Mid-term in the first and second terms for the 2017/2018, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 …More
This February, Minister Bruton launched The Chief Inspector’s Report from the Inspectorate of the Department of Education and Skills. …More