The Early Years Education-focused Inspections will be carried out in ECCE pre-schools by Early Years Inspectors in the Department of Education and Skills Inspectorate. The inspections will monitor the quality of the educational experiences provided for children. …More
Following the introduction of the Primary Online Database (POD), the Department of Education and Skills has issued a circular on the Pupil Enrolment and Attendance Records, which aims at updating and simplifying the manner in which schools maintain pupil enrolment and attendance records. …More
The long awaited and fully sold out conference on "Understanding and Responding to Islamophobia in Ireland" organised by Enar Ireland brought together teachers, educators, community and youth workers along members of Muslim community …More
As part of our commitment to promote diversity in the teaching profession, we are delighted to share a dedicated website page for use by those looking for more information on teaching in Ireland. …More