Welcome to MPEB

Muslim Primary Education Board represents the Patron of the Mus­lim schools in Ire­land.

The role of the Mus­lim Pri­mary Edu­ca­tion Board is to man­age and develop Mus­lim pupils’ edu­ca­tion through ded­i­ca­tion and excel­lence through uphold­ing Islamic val­ues.  Its prin­ci­pal aims are to advise and empower the edu­ca­tors and par­ents within the com­mu­nity thus pro­vid­ing a stim­u­lat­ing learn­ing envi­ron­ment cul­ti­vated within an Islamic ethos where stu­dents will flour­ish and develop, ulti­mately allow­ing them to achieve their fullest poten­tial and become suc­cess­ful role-mod­els worth emu­lat­ing, which

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Latest News

21 June, 2024
Bi Cinealta Procedures to Prevent and Address Bullying Behaviour for Schools Published

Minister for Education Norma Foley TD launched the ‘Bí Cineálta procedures to prevent and address bullying behaviour for primary, post-primary and special schools'.  …More

Upcoming Events

  • 1 June, 2024
    Eid al Adha 2024

    Muslim Primary Education Board wishes all Muslim parents, pupils and teachers EID MUBARAK; may you have a safe and blessed Eid!   …More

  • 10 March, 2024
    Ramadan Mubarak 2024/1445

    Welcome the month of Ramadan with the heart filled with peace, harmony and joy. May the divine blessings of Allah protect and guide you all. This year Ramadan will begin on Monday, 11 March 2024. …More

“Seeking knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim” Sunan Ibn-Majah, Book of Sunnah, Hadith No. 224

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