The following section lists recent publications relating to the schools self-evaluation
The following section lists recent publications relating to the schools self-evaluation
The Inspectorate of Department of Education and Science has formally published the following documents on the DES website which are effective as of August 2016:
• Guide to Inspection in Primary Schools
• Guide to Inspection in Schools in High Support Units, Special Care Units and Child Detention Centres
• Circular 0039/2016 on School Self-Evaluation in Primary Schools (version in Irish)
• School Self-Evaluation Guidelines 2016-2020 Primary
• Looking at Our School 2016: A Quality Framework for Primary Schools
It is important to note that the Guides to inspection above replace all previous guides that described the various types of inspection that we conduct. For example, the older guides to incidental inspections, subject inspections and whole-school evaluations have been replaced by the guides above. In some cases, the notice period for certain inspections has been changed – full details are in each of the relevant guides. The Circulars on school self-evaluation set out the requirements for school self-evaluation for the period 2016-2020.
A letter issued to all schools from the Inspectorate this week informing them about the publication of the above documents, and alerting them that the documents came into effect on 1 September 2016. (Letters attached for your convenience)
For your convenience, we also enclosed in electronic copies of some earlier documents that have not been changed:
• Inspectorate Code of Practice (published 2015)
• Guidelines on the Publication of School Inspection Reports (published 2015)
• Procedure for Review of Inspections on Schools and Teachers under section 13(9) of the Education Act 1998 (published 2015) (Irish version)
For further information on any of the above publications, please visit the Inspectorate's website page.