The lives of young children changed suddenly when early learning and childcare services and schools closed in March in response to the COVID-19 emergency.
As children prepare to return to early learning and childcare services or make the move to pre-school and school for the first time, parents can be assured that there are a number of actions they can take at home to support these important transitions.
Everyone has been working very hard to ensure a safe reopening of schools for staff, students and their families.
Most students will be looking forward to going back to school and will feel happy and excited. Some may feel a little anxious about returning. That’s a normal response at a time of change. Most will settle back in soon once they get used to the new rules and routines.
For more information and a downloadable flyer click here
Up to date information on what to do if your child has symptoms of coronavirus, how to get urgent medical help if your child is unwell and how to protect your child from the coronavirus can be found here.
Information for parents/guardians and for students on returning to school (multi-lingual)
Here is some guidance on key issues relating to school reopening that schools and parents may find helpful in answering some of their questions:
Back to school – frequently raised topics