Two reports on the consultation on the Draft Primary Curriculum Framework have been published. The first focuses on the extensive consultation undertaken with parents, teachers, school leaders, organisations, and the public from February 2020 to March 2022. The second report focuses on children and their views on the proposals to redevelop the Primary School Curriculum.
The report on the consultation on the Draft Primary Curriculum Framework provides details of the public consultation on the proposals to redevelop the primary curriculum. Taking place between February 2020 and March 2022, the consultation was designed to ensure that any person or organisation that wished to express a view on the proposals had an opportunity to do so. A significant amount of feedback was obtained through meetings with stakeholders, online focus groups, questionnaires for educators and parents, and submissions.
The report presents the findings from this extensive and comprehensive consultation process and, importantly, the implications for a redeveloped Primary School Curriculum. You can read the report here.
Listening and responding to the perspectives of children is an important part of how NCCA develops its curriculum and assessment advice for the Minister. A consultation with children on the Draft Primary Curriculum Framework began in March 2020 and was undertaken by Marino Institute of Education. Children from preschool settings, primary school and the first year of post-primary school were consulted on what they liked, disliked, and would change about learning in primary schools.
An innovative research design was used responding to the developmental needs and abilities of the children and included, interviews, learning stories, drawings and photographs taken by children. Data from this consultation provides a valuable insight into the daily experiences and perspectives of children preparing for primary school, those currently attending primary schools, as well as retrospective accounts from those who have moved through primary and into post-primary education. The findings from this consultation hold significant richness and will continue to be used to shape NCCA’s work around a redeveloped primary curriculum. You can read the report here.