The Department of Education is currently developing a Religions, Beliefs and Ethics Programme which will become part of the primary school curriculum in the future and has invited parents and teachers to take part in the consultation. …More
Muslim national schools have joined thousands of schools and other educational institutions across Ireland in participating in the National Proclamation Day 2016 …More
Muslim Primary Education Board wishes all Muslim parents, pupils and teachers Eid Mubarak. This year Eid ul-Adha will fall on Monday, 12th September 2016. …More
Department of Education and Skills has issued a Circular 0009/2017 which sets out standard breaks at Christmas, Easter and Mid-term in the first and second terms for the 2017/2018, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 …More
The MPEB brings you a selection of education articles from Irish media outlets for the months of July & August 2017. …More
Muslim Primary Education Board wishes all Muslim parents, pupils and teachers Eid Mubarak. This year Eid ul-Adha will fall on Sunday, 11th August 2019 …More
Septembers brings a start to yet another new school year! MPEB wishes all students and staff a successful, safe and fun year! …More