Digital strategy for the schools

8 years ago

Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020 Enhancing Teaching Learning and Assessment

A new “Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020, Enhancing Teaching, Learning and Assessment” was published in October 2015.  It builds on previous work and supports the overall strategy of the Department in a number of key areas including curriculum implementation, skills development, teacher education and learner outcomes. The Strategy is the result of extensive research and consultation.

The Strategy sets out a clear vision that is focussed on realising the potential of digital technologies to transform the learning experiences of students by helping them become engaged thinkers, active learners, knowledge constructors and global citizens who participate fully in society and the economy. 

Some key priorities of the Strategy during the implementation phase are:

  • To give teachers and schools clarity around the concept of embedding ICT into Teaching Learning and Assessment, through adapting the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teaching for the Irish context. By localising the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers, schools and teachers can identify training needs to be targeted by the Department and its support services.
  • To reflect technological and educational developments through updating the eLearning in Your School planning resource (from 2009) to assist schools in further developing their eLearning policy.
  • To address the ICT infrastructural requirements of schools through developing an ICT Equipment grant (first tranche to be available for the 2016-2017 school year), and continuing to improve broadband services to schools.
  • To promote Scoilnet and associated sites/services as the national reference point for schools for high quality digital content (
  • To provide information to teachers on innovative ways to use digital technologies more actively in their own teaching, including exemplars of good practices, and facilitating the sharing of such practices amongst teachers.
  • To enhance access to and impact of CPD for teachers through extending CPD delivery formats to include online and blended learning programmes.
  • To explore and recommend technical support solutions for schools.
  • Extend the scope and reach of student learning beyond the walls of the classrooms.

See below for some further information on the Strategy, and read the full policy document at: Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020.

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Launch of Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020 October 2015

Information for Schools, Students, Parents and Education Partners


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