The Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media in partnership with the Department of Education and other partners are currently involved in the development of a new Creative Youth Plan 2023-2027 as a key pillar of the Creative Ireland Programme 2023-2027. The Creative Ireland Programme is a high-level, ambitious, all-of-government initiative to mainstream creativity in the life of the nation.
The core proposition is that participation in creative activity promotes individual, community and national wellbeing. A wide-ranging consultation process involving a number of strands is being undertaken by the Department of Education, the Department of Children Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Affairs, and the Arts Council. For its part, the Department of Education is establishing a short-term Creative Youth Consultative Group consisting of relevant internal and external stakeholders.
As part of a wide-ranging consultation framework for the next Creative Youth Ireland Plan, the Muslim Primary Education Board was invited to participate in a series of consultations, following which it has made a formal submission.
The focus groups considered key themes and priorities, challenges and proposed solutions emerging to foster creative activity in primary, post-primary and out-of-school community settings. This process will inform the development of the new Creative Youth Plan as well as inform other education aspects of the overall Creative Ireland Programme.
Read the Muslim Primary Education Board formal submission.