Centre for School Leadership offers two types of support services: Coaching services (for newly appointed principals) and a new Post Graduate Diploma in School Leadership (PDSL) for Aspiring School Leaders
Centre for School Leadership offers two types of support services: Coaching services (for newly appointed principals) and a new Post Graduate Diploma in School Leadership (PDSL) for Aspiring School Leaders
Centre for School Leadership in partnership with IPPN/NAPD and the DES presents a unique opportunity for the professional development for school leaders. CSL’s responsibility extends across the continuum of leadership development commencing with pre-appointment training through to induction of newly appointed principals to continuous professional development throughout the leader’s career.
As such, the Centre offers two types of support services - Coaching services (for newly appointed principals) and a new Post Graduate Diploma in School Leadership (PDSL) for Aspiring School Leaders (commencing in Autumn 2017).
CSL Coaching is a confidential, one to one personal service which is now available for all school principals. Coaching is a particularly powerful tool and one that has proven to be a highly effective way of developing individual and organisational performance by unlocking potential and capability. Coaching is well established as a leadership development service in large organisations and in industry to date. This is the first time that Irish school leaders will experience coaching for themselves.
The Department of Education and Skills, IPPN, NAPD and the Centre for School Leadership recognise how challenging school leadership is in today’s world and know that there are constant demands in this job. School Principals can avail of this confidential, one to one service to address challenges which they face, difficulties they might be experiencing or goals that they might wish to achieve.
By engaging in coaching school leaders will gain the following benefits:
The Principal will be able to meet their chosen coach for a chemistry check. If the Principal is satisfied, then there will be a 6 more meetings over approximately a one year period. A final review meeting is held in 6months after the last meeting. Meetings will normally last 90 minutes and will be held in an agreed location.
There will be 400 coaching places for school principals. There are 40 CSL coaches in 6 different regions around the country.
Principals can choose to attend a coach in any of the regions listed below. Principals should select their preferred region and browse the biographies of the coaches available in the region. Contact can then be made with the selected coach via the contact details on the coach’s page. In most cases the contact details refer to a coaching company. The coaching company will arrange the chemistry meeting between the Principal and the Coach.
For further information visit CSL's website
The Centre for School Leadership (CSL) will also run a new Post Graduate Diploma in School Leadership (PDSL) for Aspiring School Leaders, commencing in Autumn 2017.
The programme will be jointly awarded by University of Limerick (UL), the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) (including St Angela’s) and University College Dublin (UCD). Additional academic support for the programme will be provided by Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) with delivery support from Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) and Association of Teachers Education Centres in Ireland (ATECI).
The programme will be a part-time (18 months) blended learning professional diploma, delivered locally in six regional locations throughout the country. There will be specific provision for teachers in Irish-medium schools in NUI Galway.
Fees support for this programme will be provided by the DES/CSL, additional details will be made available in spring 2017 for September commencement. The course will be open to approximately 200 participants annually.
Applications can be made using the following link http://www.ul.ie/cpe/pdsl/
For further information visit CSL's website
Image credits Freepik