Mission & Vision

The role of the Mus­lim Pri­mary Edu­ca­tion Board is to man­age and develop Mus­lim pupils’ edu­ca­tion through ded­i­ca­tion and excel­lence through uphold­ing Islamic val­ues. Its prin­ci­pal aims are to advise and empower the edu­ca­tors and par­ents within the com­mu­nity thus pro­vid­ing a stim­u­lat­ing learn­ing envi­ron­ment cul­ti­vated within an Islamic ethos where stu­dents will flour­ish

Mission & Vision

The role of the Mus­lim Pri­mary Edu­ca­tion Board is to man­age and develop Mus­lim pupils’ edu­ca­tion through ded­i­ca­tion and excel­lence through uphold­ing Islamic val­ues. Its prin­ci­pal aims are to advise and empower the edu­ca­tors and par­ents within the com­mu­nity thus pro­vid­ing a stim­u­lat­ing learn­ing envi­ron­ment cul­ti­vated within an Islamic ethos where stu­dents will flour­ish

Mis­sion Statement:

The role of the Mus­lim Pri­mary Edu­ca­tion Board is to man­age and develop Mus­lim pupils’ edu­ca­tion through ded­i­ca­tion and excel­lence through uphold­ing Islamic val­ues.  Its prin­ci­pal aims are to advise and empower the edu­ca­tors and par­ents within the com­mu­nity thus pro­vid­ing a stim­u­lat­ing learn­ing envi­ron­ment cul­ti­vated within an Islamic ethos where stu­dents will flour­ish and develop, ulti­mately allow­ing them to achieve their fullest poten­tial and become suc­cess­ful role mod­els worth emu­lat­ing enabling them to con­tribute and par­tic­i­pate effec­tively within Irish society.

Aims and Objectives:

  • To act as the Man­age­ment Body for the exist­ing Mus­lim national schools estab­lished under the Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion and Science.
  1. To define and advise on the Islamic per­spec­tive on edu­ca­tional issues relat­ing to the teach­ing of reli­gion and other sub­jects in Mus­lim and other schools attended by Mus­lim children.
  2. To rep­re­sent, as required, the man­age­ment inter­ests of the exist­ing Mus­lim schools in any rel­e­vant discussions/correspondence with the Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion and Science.
  3. To study any leg­is­la­tion or pro­posed leg­is­la­tion that is likely to affect the edu­ca­tional inter­ests of Mus­lim and other chil­dren and shall make enquiries and com­mu­ni­cate with gov­ern­ment author­i­ties and all such bod­ies and per­sons as it shall con­sider necessary.
  4. To advise on set­ting up, main­tain­ing and devel­op­ing Mus­lim Schools.
  5. To pro­mote co-operation between Mus­lim schools and edu­ca­tional partners.
  6. To pro­mote pro­fes­sional staff devel­op­ment and teacher training.
  7. Facil­i­tate staff recruit­ment for Mus­lim schools.
  8. To pro­vide resources for national cur­ricu­lum subjects.
  9. To main­tain close con­tact with gov­ern­men­tal bod­ies, Boards of Edu­ca­tion and other edu­ca­tional and school author­i­ties with a view to the most effi­cient and eco­nom­i­cal use of resources includ­ing funds, trans­port facil­i­ties and teachers.
  10. To organ­ise con­fer­ences, sem­i­nars and dis­cus­sions on the issues relat­ing to edu­ca­tion in gen­eral and Islamic education.
  11. The Board mem­bers should have knowl­edge about the leg­is­la­tion in the area of edu­ca­tion such as the Edu­ca­tion Act, the Spe­cial Needs Edu­ca­tion Act and the Equal­ity Act.
  12. To revise and have input into school text books/ library books to ensure they por­tray the proper Islamic teachings.
  13. To print books for pri­mary schools.
  14. To edu­cate par­ents and increase their involve­ment in the edu­ca­tion of their children.
  15. To cre­ate a liai­son between it and the community.
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